Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A very sunny 24 C at Het Gazebo !

I wanted to type August, but it is September !
There are still hostas in bloom while
the nights are getting noticeably longer and
hues of green are changing to Autumn colours.
Hosta seed pods look great in flower arrangements !
Hosta 'Wu-la-la'
looks great, really filled out this year !
Even with this warm weather on an already saturated ground
the weeds keep growing. But, it's still looking great 
thanks to the volunteers! 



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Code yellow weather warning !

Heavy rain and thunder showers for today !

But in Diepenheim it was dry until 12:15 !!
The volunteers showed up and weeded !
Then it rained, a lot ,with cooler temps !
It's Autumn !
Het Gazebo is still blooming, changing and looking 
great for this time of the year !
This weeks photo of  Hosta 'Wu-la-la' !
Het Gazebo, Diepenheim
It was well watered today !