Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Het Gazebo , Diepenheim

on a beautiful 23 C Summers day in July !
Did you know ?
Many hostas have impressive two-toned variegated foliage that can be patterned, streaked, or bordered with a lighter or darker color. In the summer, hostas produce multiple lily-like, tubular-shaped purple, lavender, or white blooms borne on scapes. 
Sounds like a beautiful place to volunteer !
Hosta ' Wu-la-la'  is keeping up appearances !


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Can you belive the weather we've been having !

 Mid July and we've had rain, a lot of rain and a week later temperatures around 30 C ! This sure does encourage lots of green Hostas as well as weeds ! Thanks to the volunteers for keeping Het Gazebo in check this Summer vacation season ! If you're around Diepenheim drop by ! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What a way to start off July !

At Het Gazebo, Diepenheim 
Might have been 14 C this morning ?
Might have had almost 10 mm rain this morning?
The ground is pretty saturated in most areas ! 
This didn't deter the volunteers from there weekly weeding visit  !
But when the rain arrived from the west they knew
it was time to through in the wet towel !!  


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Summertime greetings

from Het Gazebo, Diepenheim !
29 C in the shade !
An early start to the day and in the shade 
the volunteers weeded amongst the flowering hostas !


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Het Gazebo, Diepenheim !

The tour continues !
The rain took a break ! 
The hostas are looking great in todays sunshine !
It's almost the longest day of the year !
From Hosta 'Blue mouse ears' to
Hosta 'Wu-la-la' planted for the future Het Gazebo
There's a lot growing on !


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wow ! Het Gazebo by Drone !

 Enjoy the flight over Het Gazebo in Diepenheim !

A birds eye view over Het Gazebo !
You can click voor full screen viewing 
Wow ! The hostas are in top form !
Look how full the borders are now !
The bark mulch paths lead you along all these beauties !
While watching the video have you noticed 
this is the only red beech hedge of this size  in Diepenheim ?
Het Gazebo, an abstract hosta leaf !
Within is a second red beech hedge that's successfully taking root !
It has been a few years of very dry Springs, low ground water levels, warmest record breaking temperature days,weeks and months . The volunteers have had to try to keep Het Gazebo green and growing with an irrigation system.  Now, after months of above average rainfall Het Gazebo is at its best ever ! ...well, as long as I can remember ! Photos can't do it justice ! It's difficult to capture " Wow ! It's amazing how big they are !" feeling on film  ! You have to visit ! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Het Gazebo still ahead of slugs and snails !

Last week was cancelled due to rain !
The last 12 months was the wettest continuous 
12 months,  June 2nd 2023 to May 31st 2024 !
 1246 millimeter rain fell
This also means pefect conditions for slugs and snails ! But the effort by the volunteers, with their weekly visits and starting earlier in the year has kept the damage to the hostas to a minimum ! 
Green and growing !
Today was dry, light breeze, not too warm.
Thanks for staying ahead of the weeding race !