Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Sings of Spring ? Ready for snow ?

There's a weather warning tomorrow !
Snow and ice, Winter showers !
But today was a great day to carry on with the challenging task
of paths and borders and placement of electrics !
The first shipment of 
has been relocated !
Summer hats and sun glasses last weekend !
Tomorrow bring out the woolies and gloves !


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Warm and sunny and still at it !

It soon warmed from a very early frosty morning to 22 C !
The volunteers carried on working on the borders and paths !
It's great to see how this hosta leaf is taking form once again!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Few in number, high in results !

Todays volunteers enjoyed a sunny day 
while continuing working on the paths and borders
at Het Gazebo 
before the Sahara Sand started blowing in !


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hosta beds and paths at Het Gazebo !

The sunny dry wether continues !
The volunteers fulfill many different roles here !
Such as surveyors continuing to reconstruct the positions of
 paths and hosta beds at Het Gazebo 
to planting new hostas in rejuvenated beds !
The beds are also starting to fill up with signs of hostas regrowing !


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

It's a dry week at Het Gazebo !

The weather this week will be Spring like, dry and chilly !
Using this to there advantage, the volunteers 
sprayed and marked out paths and borders!
Het Gazebo is in full swing for the 
upcoming Hosta growing season !