Wednesday, July 18, 2012

 The Dutch Hosta Society also has members that live in Belgium and Germany! Lisa and Lothar, two German neighbours with a passion for Hostas, regularly visit "De Kleine Plantage" in Eenrum! A few weeks ago, on June 30th, they visited "De Kleine Plantage" during their themed Shadow Plants and Hosta weekend!
The German TV station WDR went with them that day to "De Kleine Plantage" and filmed them there, on location!  On Saturday, August 11th at 6:20 pm(18.20), station WDR, Hier und Heute/Doku, we can see what happened! more information:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

 Today, I thought that I would share a few photo's of "Slugs in a Hosta garden!" with you! As you all know Slugs play a big role, or even star, in Hosta gardens!
 This one must be on its way to a Hosta leaf!
 The rainy start to July brings them out even in the afternoon! 
 I wonder what's going on here, between these two!
 Just when the Hosta flowers were looking good... 
 This happened!!
 Let's take a closer look!
 You can almost hear him chomping his way through!
I always wondered how they ate!
It was like Slugs attending an all you can eat Hosta buffet!
A bit of a tidy up and the Summer continues!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Dutch Hosta Society September Garden Tour is taking place in Brabant this year! We will be visiting gardens in Best, Mariaheide and Zeeland! More information can be found on the website: See you on the 8th of September!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

If you're in The Netherlands, and have time, check out 
The University of  Utrechts' Botanical Gardens ! Since 1639!
 There is a great photo display! "Wonderlijk Natuurlijk"!
 The Netherlands Landscape in photo's!
June 2nd - November 30th!
 While you're there, stroll through the 7 hectare site!
 Admire the art!
 You'll see a few Hostas!
 There is a path in there somewhere!
Cross a bridge or two!

You'll be glad you did!