Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Autumn hostas golden hues

Het Gazebo, 15 C, Wednesday morning and it was dry.
The volunteers are fighting the battle of the weeds and
are doing a great job keeping Het Gazebo looking great !
If you're in the area, take a stoll amongs the gold !

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Het Gazebo is looking good !

For October !
There are still a few more enjoyable Autumn weeks to stroll
amongst the hostas in Diepenheim !
Another hosta in the spotlight 
Venetian Dream Hosta – Bright blue color changing to a shiny dark green in late summer. Heavily rippled margin and somewhat unruly. Sounds like a keeper !
This is what's keeping the volunteers busy !
Oxalis corniculata, the creeping woodsorrel, procumbent yellow sorrel [2] or sleeping beauty, is a somewhat delicate-appearing, low-growing herbaceous plant in the family Oxalidaceae. It is a small creeping type of woodsorrel that tends to grow well in moist climates
Gehoornde klaverzuring oxalis corniculata(click here)


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It really is Autumn !

We're heading into the final quarter of the year !
   Het Gazebo is still looking good !
 Dew, Did you know ...  Dew is water in the form of droplets that appears on thin, exposed objects in the morning or evening due to condensation. As the exposed surface cools by radiating its heat, atmospheric moisture condenses at a rate greater than that at which it can evaporate, resulting in the formation of water droplets. 


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A very sunny 24 C at Het Gazebo !

I wanted to type August, but it is September !
There are still hostas in bloom while
the nights are getting noticeably longer and
hues of green are changing to Autumn colours.
Hosta seed pods look great in flower arrangements !
Hosta 'Wu-la-la'
looks great, really filled out this year !
Even with this warm weather on an already saturated ground
the weeds keep growing. But, it's still looking great 
thanks to the volunteers! 



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Code yellow weather warning !

Heavy rain and thunder showers for today !

But in Diepenheim it was dry until 12:15 !!
The volunteers showed up and weeded !
Then it rained, a lot ,with cooler temps !
It's Autumn !
Het Gazebo is still blooming, changing and looking 
great for this time of the year !
This weeks photo of  Hosta 'Wu-la-la' !
Het Gazebo, Diepenheim
It was well watered today !


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Looking for outdoor social activity ?

Try a morning with the team weeding at Het Gazebo !
Weeding, slug and snail control, hosta care 
There's coffee and tea and always something sweet !
You are welcome on Wednesday mornings but not September 4th.
The volunteers are away.
Today was waaaarm ! Luckily there is the shady option  ! 
Suprised by the sight of snail eggs, the volunteers are
 getting a head start for next year by getting rid of them now !
See, there's always something to be attended to !


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Summer's not over yet !

 After yesterdays downpours, it was a cooler start to the weeding day !
But soon it warmed up to 21 C ! It's still August ! Even though 
 some hostas are showing signs of seasonal change 
Some are looking great 
such as Hosta 'Wu-la-la'  !
And others are in bloom, casting their shadows!
Shadow art ! What do you see ?
At first glance I saw a scorpion !
What's in the bag ? 
It could be Oxalis corniculata
I had to smile seeing 
" potential to become a nuisance" 
Seeds and spreads rapidly on paths, walls, waste and cultivated ground. May have the potential to become a nuisance in lawns, beds and borders, containers and greenhouses if not well managed

Gehoornde klaverzuring (Oxalis corniculata)

gehoornde klaverzuring
Foto: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

Dit kruipende plantje voelt zich op z’n gemak op zonnige plekken tussen tegels en muren, en is nogal hardnekkig. Je herkent het aan het paarse of groene klaverachtige blad, met gele bloemetjes. De plant verspreidt zich door middel van de stengels, die wortel schieten, en door zaad. Je verwijdert deze plant door te schoffelen, handmatig te wieden (wel alle delen weghalen!) of te bedekken met mulch.